
pyhiperta.calibration.calibrate(waveform: ndarray, gains: ndarray, pedestals: ndarray) ndarray[source]

Apply pedestal and gain calibration to waveforms.

  • waveform (np.ndarray) – Batch or single video samples of the shower events. Shape: (N_batch, N_frames, N_pixels)

  • gains (np.ndarray) – For each waveform, the gains to apply to each pixel. The same gain is applied for all frames of a shower pixel. Shape: (N_batch, N_pixels).

  • pedestals (np.ndarray) – For each waveform, the pedestals to apply to each pixel. The same pedestal is applied for all frames of a shower pixel. Shape (N_batch, N_pixels)


Calibrated waveforms (number of photo-electrons). Shape is identical to waveform.

Return type:
