
pyhiperta.calibration.select_channel(waveform_high: ndarray, waveform_low: ndarray, gains: ndarray, pedestals: ndarray, window_integration_correction: ndarray, threshold: float) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, ndarray][source]

Select values to use in waveforms high/low gain and corresponding gains and pedestals based on threshold.

The choice is independent per shower and per pixel, but shared in time for a given pixel: For each pixel, if any value of waveform_high is above threshold then the low gain and corresponding waveform channel and pedestal is chosen. Otherwise the high gain is chosen.

  • waveforms_high (np.ndarray) – R0 waveform high gain. Shape: (N_batch, N_frames, N_pixels)

  • waveform_low (np.ndarray) – R0 waveform low gain. Shape: (N_batch, N_frames, N_pixels)

  • gains (np.ndarray) – Per-pixel high and low gains. gains[0] is high gain, gains[1] is low gains. shape (2, N_pixels)

  • pedestals (np.ndarray) – Per-pixel pedestal for low and high gains. pedestals[0] corresponds to high gain, pedestals[1] corresponds to low gain. Shape (2, N_pixels)

  • window_integration_correction (np.ndarray) – Array of shape (2,) containing the correction to apply after a windowed integration, for each gain.

  • threshold (float) – Threshold to chose the waveform channel. A value above threshold indicates that the high gain waveform saturated and low gain should be used.


The waveform selected from each gains based on threshold, associated gains, pedestals and integration correction to used. The order is: - waveform : np.ndarray

waveform where the appropriate gain has been selected. Shape (N_batch, N_frames, N_pixels)

  • gains : np.ndarray Gain to use to calibrate waveform (high gain when waveform_high wasn’t above threshold and low gain otherwise). Shape (N_batch, N_pixels)

  • pedestals : np.ndarray Pedestals to use to calibrate waveform. Shape (N_batch, N_pixels)

  • window_integration_correction : np.ndarray Correction to use after the integration. Shape(N_batch, N_pixels)

Return type:

Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]